Selasa, 19 November 2013


Update Global Representative 19 Nopember 2013.

Pusat Informasi,Konsultasi&Pelatihan Bisnis Keuangan Online★

"EXPRESS EXCHANGER" CS : 085724688873. Pusat Jual Beli $ dan Pulsa Recomended.

ika ada pertanyaan tentang ad click xpress, silahkan add fb sy dan inbox saya.
atau sms ke 0857246888873 (sertakan nama anda jika mau sms dan salam dulu).
Info lengkap tata cara ganti password silahkan kunjungi blog ini:

Bagi yang belum berhasil, dan ada yg ditanyakan ttg cara ganti password, add fb saya dan in box sy atau sms ke 085724688873.

Hal yang mesti dilakukan setelah Xpreshift adalah :
1. Gunakan XSF wallet utk membeli ad atau media package 
2. Gunakan XSF wallet  utk membeli akselerator panel, silahkan baca dulu untuk cara mempercepat ad panel agar rebate $60, dengan kunjungi blog dibawah ini:
3. Klik iklan dan media sampai dengan untuk cadangan 45 hari kedepan, karena cadangan iklan kita yg dulu sudah direset jadi 0.

Dukungan Berita

6 Nov 2013

Saatnya Untuk Mengubah Sandi Anda!

Untuk menjaga account Anda aman, semua password harus diubah secara berkala. Kami mengambil keamanan serius, dan Anda harus juga!

ACX terus bersikap proaktif untuk mencegah anggota agar tidak menjadi korban penjahat internet! Jadi dalam beberapa jam ke depan, semua password ACX akan diatur ulang dan Anda harus klik "Lupa Password", dan membuat yang baru yang perlu mengkonfirmasi melalui link dalam email Anda. Pastikan untuk memeriksa Folder Spam.

Password baru Anda akan diminta untuk memasukkan setidaknya satu dari masing-masing:
1. huruf kapital,
2. angka,
3. simbol, dan
4. huruf kecil,

Contoh : sukses123SELALU!!!

dengan minimal 8 karakter. Jangan gunakan password yang sama Anda telah digunakan sebelumnya.

Tips Keamanan Penting - perubahan Pertama password untuk Email Anda telah dikaitkan dengan akun ACX Anda, untuk keamanan maksimum - memiliki akses ke alamat E-mail adalah cara termudah bagi seorang hacker untuk mendapatkan kontrol penuh terhadap akun ACX Anda. Juga, ingat bahwa membuat password yang unik untuk setiap situs atau akun yang membutuhkan login adalah cara terbaik untuk menjaga diri aman. Kami menghargai setiap salah satu anggota ACX dan berusaha untuk memastikan pengalaman terbaik di internet. Ini termasuk menjaga keselamatan Anda dan mengamankan akun dari predator. Anda dapat mengharapkan untuk diminta untuk mengubah password Anda secara teratur.

Untuk Sukses Lanjutan Anda
The ACX Support 

Support News

November 6th, 2013

It’s Time To Change Your Passwords!

To keep your account safe, all passwords must be changed periodically. We take security seriously, and you should too!

ACX is continuously being proactive to prevent members from falling victim to internet criminals! So in the next few hours, all ACX passwords will be reset and you must click "Forgot Password", and create a new one which need to confirm via a link in your email. Be sure to check your Spam Folder.

Your new password will be required to include at least one of each: capital letters, numbers, symbols, and lowercase letters, with a minimum of 8 characters. Do not use the same password you had used previously.

Important Security Tip - First change the password for the Email you have associated with your ACX account, for maximum security - having access to this E-mail address is the easiest way for a hacker to gain complete control of your ACX account. Also, remember that creating unique passwords for each site or account that requires a login is the best way to keep yourself secure.

We value every one of the ACX members and strive to ensure the best experience on the internet. This includes guarding your safety and securing accounts from predators. You can expect to be prompted to change your password on a regular basis.

To Your Continued Success

The ACX Support Team
Update Global representative 19 Nopember 2013.

Info lengkap tata cara ganti password silahkan kunjungi blog ini:

Bagi yang belum berhasil, dan ada yg ditanyakan ttg cara ganti password, add fb saya dan in box sy atau sms ke 085724688873.

Dukungan Berita

6 Nov 2013

Saatnya Untuk Mengubah Sandi Anda!

Untuk menjaga account Anda aman, semua password harus diubah secara berkala. Kami mengambil keamanan serius, dan Anda harus juga!

ACX terus bersikap proaktif untuk mencegah anggota agar tidak menjadi korban penjahat internet! Jadi dalam beberapa jam ke depan, semua password ACX akan diatur ulang dan Anda harus klik "Lupa Password", dan membuat yang baru yang perlu mengkonfirmasi melalui link dalam email Anda. Pastikan untuk memeriksa Folder Spam.

Password baru Anda akan diminta untuk memasukkan setidaknya satu dari masing-masing: 
1. huruf kapital, 
2. angka, 
3. simbol, dan 
4. huruf kecil,

Contoh : sukses123SELALU!!!

dengan minimal 8 karakter. Jangan gunakan password yang sama Anda telah digunakan sebelumnya.

Tips Keamanan Penting - perubahan Pertama password untuk Email Anda telah dikaitkan dengan akun ACX Anda, untuk keamanan maksimum - memiliki akses ke alamat E-mail adalah cara termudah bagi seorang hacker untuk mendapatkan kontrol penuh terhadap akun ACX Anda. Juga, ingat bahwa membuat password yang unik untuk setiap situs atau akun yang membutuhkan login adalah cara terbaik untuk menjaga diri aman. Kami menghargai setiap salah satu anggota ACX dan berusaha untuk memastikan pengalaman terbaik di internet. Ini termasuk menjaga keselamatan Anda dan mengamankan akun dari predator. Anda dapat mengharapkan untuk diminta untuk mengubah password Anda secara teratur.

Untuk Sukses Lanjutan Anda 
The ACX Support Cepy Juniar TeamsuksesSupport News

November 6th, 2013

It’s Time To Change Your Passwords!

To keep your account safe, all passwords must be changed periodically. We take security seriously, and you should too!

ACX is continuously being proactive to prevent members from falling victim to internet criminals! So in the next few hours, all ACX passwords will be reset and you must click "Forgot Password", and create a new one which need to confirm via a link in your email. Be sure to check your Spam Folder.

Your new password will be required to include at least one of each: capital letters, numbers, symbols, and lowercase letters, with a minimum of 8 characters. Do not use the same password you had used previously.

Important Security Tip - First change the password for the Email you have associated with your ACX account, for maximum security - having access to this E-mail address is the easiest way for a hacker to gain complete control of your ACX account. Also, remember that creating unique passwords for each site or account  that requires a login is the best way to keep yourself secure.
We value every one of the ACX members and strive to ensure the best experience on the internet. This includes guarding your safety and securing accounts from predators. You can expect to be prompted to change your password on a regular basis.

To Your Continued Success
The ACX Support Team

Suka ·  · Berhenti Mengikuti Kiriman 

Pusat Informasi,Konsultasi&Pelatihan Bisnis Keuangan Online★

"EXPRESS EXCHANGER" CS : 085724688873. Pusat Jual Beli $ dan Pulsa Recomended.

Sabtu, 16 November 2013


Website Ad Click Xpress untuk sementara tak tersedia dan sedang dalam perbaikan.

Acx Website akan tak tersedia untuk sementara ketika IT Staff kami menyudahi pemeliharaan server dan berita terbaru akan datang dengan memerlukan waktu sekitar 24-jam untuk prosedur Roll-Back.

Kita mengantisipasi website sementara down kira-kira 24 jam, setelah ACX Sistem akan kembali berjalan dengan lancar lagi. Kita menghargai kesabaran anda ketika kita peduli perihal penting ini.

Jika ada pertanyaan tentang ad click xpress, silahkan add fb sy dan inbox saya.
atau sms ke 0857246888873 (sertakan nama anda jika mau sms dan salam dulu).
Untuk berita lebih lengkap, silahkan klik link di sini untuk membaca update terakhir.


Anda juga boleh menghubungi help desk atau spport ticket dengan mengirimkan email Kepada Ad Click Xpress Support <>

Untuk mendapat/kan jawaban dari pertanyaan anda yang perihal lainnya,
jangan segan-segan untuk masuk ke dalam ruang konferensi ACX dengan meng-klik di sini,acxviproom

Terima kasih atas pemahaman anda.

Global Representative Indonesia
Akhmad Yani

The Ad Click Xpress website is
Temporarily Unavailable and is Under Maintenance

ACX Website will be unavailable temporarily while our IT Staff completes maintenance and updates for the required 24-hour Roll-Back procedure.

We anticipate the site being down for approximately 24 hours, after which the ACX System will be back running smoothly once again. We appreciate your patience while we take care of this important matter.

For more details, please click here to read the latest Update Email.
You are also welcome to contact the help desk by clicking here
To get your non-support related questions answered,
feel free to drop into the ACX Live Conference room by clicking here
Thank you for your understanding.

Global Representative Indonesia
Akhmad Yani — bersamaSupni Ahmad dan 19 lainnya.
Website Ad Click Xpress untuk sementara tak tersedia dan sedang dalam perbaikan.

Acx Website akan tak tersedia untuk sementara ketika IT Staff kami  menyudahi pemeliharaan server dan berita terbaru akan datang dengan memerlukan waktu sekitar 24-jam untuk  prosedur Roll-Back.

Kita mengantisipasi website sementara down kira-kira 24 jam, setelah ACX Sistem akan kembali berjalan dengan lancar lagi. Kita menghargai kesabaran anda ketika  kita peduli perihal penting ini.

Jika ada pertanyaan tentang ad click xpress, silahkan add fb sy dan inbox saya.
atau sms ke 0857246888873 (sertakan nama anda jika mau sms dan salam dulu).
Untuk berita lebih lengkap, silahkan klik link di sini untuk membaca update terakhir.


Anda juga boleh menghubungi help desk atau spport ticket dengan mengirimkan email  Kepada Ad Click Xpress Support <>

Untuk mendapat/kan jawaban dari pertanyaan anda yang perihal lainnya,
jangan segan-segan untuk masuk ke dalam ruang konferensi ACX dengan meng-klik di sini,acxviproom

Terima kasih atas pemahaman anda.

Global Representative Indonesia
Akhmad Yani

The Ad Click Xpress website is
Temporarily Unavailable and is Under Maintenance

ACX Website will be unavailable temporarily while our IT Staff completes maintenance and updates for the required 24-hour Roll-Back procedure.

We anticipate the site being down for approximately 24 hours, after which the ACX System will be back running smoothly once again. We appreciate your patience while we take care of this important matter.

For more details, please click here to read the latest Update Email.
You are also welcome to contact the help desk by clicking here
To get your non-support related questions answered,
feel free to drop into the ACX Live Conference room by clicking here
Thank you for your understanding.

Global Representative Indonesia
Akhmad Yani

ACX Site Shutting Down Temporarily for Roll-Back

ACX Site Shutting Down Temporarily for Roll-Back


16 November 2013 22.36

Welcome to our new ACX Members and a big
Thank You to our reliable ACX Members for
their constant support and understanding.
Just when it feels like we're over a rough patch,
we hit a bump in the road that required us to
slow down just a bit.  But we are very confident
that we'll be ramping up again very soon.  We
do appreciate your patience!

Roll-Back Requires Site to Shutdown:

As stated in the previous Company Update, ACX
will be shutting down the website for approximately
24 hours while we complete the task of rolling
back the entire membership to the point just prior
to the launch of the WARP Accelerators.  All
accounts will be adjusted back to the status they
were, and no money will be lost on transactions
that have occurred between now and then.

Please understand that this is a very large
undertaking because we have millions of ACX
Accounts.  But we are confident that our highly
experienced IT Department will be able to fix the
error that caused the WARP Accelerators to fill
Panels that were not intended.  All ACX Accounts
will be audited and corrected to insure that once
the site is open ACX will be back to business as

Recent ACX Transactions Will Be Nullified:

All purchases of Ad/Media Packs, Ad Panels,
Accelerators, Gift Cards, Upgrades, etc that were
made in the past two days will also be included the
Roll-Back; it will be as if they never happened.  No
money will be lost from transactions rolled-back.

Roll-Back Update:

More Exciting Features to Come:

For the past few weeks, ACX programmers and
designers have been working on several projects
that will enhance the ACX experience and improve
income earning potential for all members.  A brand
new Banner Advertising program will be introduced
soon, bringing marketing opportunities to take
advantage of our high ranking in ALEXA.  Watch
for more details coming soon.

WARP Accelerator to be Re-launched:

Many members were able to see firsthand the
incredible power of the WARP Accelerators in
providing more control over the speed in which
Ad Panels fill and eventually Complete.  Even
though this "test-run" was a little exaggerated,
the speed of the WARP Accelerators will still be
amazing once the system is corrected.  We are
excited to get them back into the Ad Panel

Errors Being Fixed:

The ACX System is a proven business model that
works.  Sometimes there can be errors in coding
or programming miscalculations, but nevertheless,
the system is powerful and it does do everything
we claim.  When problems arise, we fix them and
make the system even better.  We appreciate your
understanding as we make a necessary correction
in the program.

We will also be correcting a small problem a few
members are seeing regarding the 3% Promo
Packs that are actually paying just 2%.  Nothing
has been lost by members experiencing this
oversight since the 150% full payout will be made.

Thank you again for allowing us to be part of your
financial independence journey.  We are committed
to providing the Best of the Best service and product,
and we will strive to always work in the best interests
of our membership.

Please check the ACX website status often.

Working for your success!

ACX Executive Team

P.S. If you are having trouble renewing your password,
please review the Password Update:

Our fraud department issued a warning that all members
should change their ACX password to protect security of
members' accounts during the same time as the
problems with the WARP purchase frenzy.  We
understand that many members felt left out when they
couldn't get into their ACX account.  But, now members
will have time to reset their password and continue ACX
activities once the website is back up.

For members who still need to change their password,
please review the following guidelines for changing your
ACX password.  The next time you see a message on
the Login Page that says "You have entered a wrong ID
or Password," please consider the steps below:

Step 1 - Click on FORGOT PASSWORD

Step 2 - Enter ID Number or Email Address used for
ACX Account - SUBMIT

Step 3 - Go to your Email and open the email that says

Step 4 - Click on the URL Link in the Email to Reset

Step 5 - In new page that opens, enter a new password

NOTE: Your New Password must be at least 8 characters
long and include at least one of each of the following:

- Capital Letters (as in ABC)
- Small letters (as is abc)
- Numbers (as in 123)
- Symbols (as in !#$)

Step 6 - SUBMIT new password

Step 7 - Go to ACX Login Page and Enter ID Number and
NEW Password


- If you tried to enter an old password multiple times,
you may be required to wait several hours before you
can try again.

- If you don't have your own website domain E-mail, we
have found that Gmail works well for ACX.

This email was sent to:

You are receiving this E-mail because of your participation
in JustBeenPaid, Profit Clicking or Ad Click Xpress.

To remove your address from our mailing list, e-mail and ask to be removed.

We will remove your E-mail from all future mailings promptly.


Website Ad Click Xpress untuk sementara tak tersedia dan sedang dalam perbaikan.

Acx Website akan tak tersedia untuk sementara ketika IT Staff kami  menyudahi pemeliharaan server dan berita terbaru akan datang dengan memerlukan waktu sekitar 24-jam untuk  prosedur Roll-Back.

Kita mengantisipasi website sementara down kira-kira 24 jam, setelah ACX Sistem akan kembali berjalan dengan lancar lagi. Kita menghargai kesabaran anda ketika  kita peduli perihal penting ini.

Jika ada pertanyaan tentang ad click xpress, silahkan add fb sy dan inbox saya.
atau sms ke 0857246888873 (sertakan nama anda jika mau sms dan salam dulu).
Untuk berita lebih lengkap, silahkan klik link di sini untuk membaca update terakhir.


Anda juga boleh menghubungi help desk atau spport ticket dengan mengirimkan email  Kepada Ad Click Xpress Support <>

Untuk mendapat/kan jawaban dari pertanyaan anda yang perihal lainnya,
jangan segan-segan untuk masuk ke dalam ruang konferensi ACX dengan meng-klik di sini,acxviproom

Terima kasih atas pemahaman anda.

Global Representative Indonesia
 Akhmad Yani

The Ad Click Xpress website is
Temporarily Unavailable and is Under Maintenance

ACX Website will be unavailable temporarily while our IT Staff completes maintenance and updates for the required 24-hour Roll-Back procedure.

We anticipate the site being down for approximately 24 hours, after which the ACX System will be back running smoothly once again. We appreciate your patience while we take care of this important matter.

For more details, please click here to read the latest Update Email.
You are also welcome to contact the help desk by clicking here
To get your non-support related questions answered,
feel free to drop into the ACX Live Conference room by clicking here
Thank you for your understanding.

Global Representative Indonesia
Akhmad Yani